Repentance and Faith

As I chomp my breakfast with a coffee to prepare for work–my bread and butter–I read a tag line on the newspaper that “big things come from small packages”. An affirmation for me that the greatest accomplishments are never achieved with partial skill or wavering commitment; that any worthy transformation or excellence does not equate with 99% or “almost” of a single thing. It will always be a combination. The same concept with spiritual renewal that requires faith to God beyond our best human efforts.

God has showed His immense love for us through Jesus and has initiated a relationship with us. Now it is our time to respond. What do we reply?


Last October 21, 2013, Kuya Jeremy Quimpang or as he commonly known as Kuya JQ, conveyed God’s message about ‘Repentance and Faith’. While we are busy struggling for worldly labels, preoccupied with worries how the world should perceive us; we often forget that we are created in God’s perfect image. We get perplexed that we are chasing the wrong ideals. “We need to repent to reform our lives”, Kuya JQ said. “Repentance should come with Faith”. We need a 180-degree-turn-around.

The Greek word for repentance is “metanoia”, which literal¬ly means a change of mind. It is neither a simple confession of wrongdoing, nor is dependent on feelings. Not even with feeling sorry because we are afraid of the consequences. Repentance refers to a change of direction. It is dropping of an old set of standards and values; which is basically, turning away from sin, evil, and running your own life.

Repenting is being honest–admitting that we have sinned and asking God’s forgiveness. It is being humble that we cannot do it by ourselves and we need God’s help; and acceptance that Jesus as Lord. We must renounce sin by actively turning away from it and deciding not to do it again which totally complete repentance.

“It is a double-action response”, he furthered. “We cannot just have repentance without the other–faith”.

Faith is belief in the gospel, which is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. A personal act and decision that is never based on feelings; and not a wishful thinking. Faith is accepting the life that God has promised us and letting God show us how to live it. And we must be willing to do whatever God wants of us, and actually do it.

“At the end of the day, walang taong magaling kung hindi naka-charge sa Kanya”, the speaker highlighted as the crowd intently listening.

2,000 years ago, Jesus sounded the call to repentance and faith. It is the same call to us today. And as we respond positively, God promises us salvation from sin, forgiveness and reconciliation, eternal life, and the power of the Holy Spirit for our lives.

Brothers and sisters, let’s accept the challenge to repent and believe in Jesus. Then take God up on His promises, and expect to experience the peace and joy and power of the Lord in our lives.


And with that, may God be praised.

By: Ryan Rebaja

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What it Means to be a Christian

Our Christ-like Identity: Christianity

Once upon a time, a long-raging battle has overwhelmed almost the whole of the Filipino nation. It was not that so long ago, and a lot of those here today may still have witnessed the heat of the clashes. It was the fight between the Vilmanians and the Noranians. Oh yes, it was fiery, as the two parties knew very well what they were arguing for. The Vilmanians fought hard and tough for what they strongly believed in – that Vilma was the better actress (the same with Noranians for Nora). As bearers of the names of these two actresses, their fans stood firm on their side throughout the battle. As modern day Christians, what do we do to stand for what we believe in? What does it really mean to be bearers of Christ’s name, Christians? This is what was heard from the Voice SFC on October 14, 2013, during its third talk.

From the previous episode of the The Voice SFC, the participants have learned who Jesus Christ is – that He is our Lord and Savior. In this latest episode, the speaker busted most myths about Christianity. We have heard of Christianity from history, from our religion teachers and from church. We even claim ourselves to be Christians. But with all the things associated with Christians – church, doctrines, morality, saints, kindness, sacrifice, bible – there seem to be a clouded notion of what Christianity is.

The speaker explained that Christianity is not a mere religious system that makes people observe religious practices (as like rituals). It is not also a mere moral system – a list to do’s and don’ts and going to hell when you are “bad”. Christianity is not a mere humanitarian system, being at all times the ‘good Samaritan.’ Lastly, it is not a mere coping mechanism for the suffering, poor and oppressed. The true essence of being a Christian is being united with God, through Jesus Christ, our redeemer. It’s not a system, an organization, a support group or a mere religion, but a true, intimate relationship with God. Everything else that Christians do and believe in, those mentioned above, are simply a Northern star that points to Him, a mirror that reflects Him, an expression of our relationship with Him. Christianity then is not about you, doing all the good things, serving unceasingly, praying intensely, worshipping loudly, etc. It’s about God, initiating a loving relationship with us through Jesus Christ. Because being Christian is being Christ-like, the only begotten Son of God, and through it we enter that same relationship that Jesus has with the Father.

As Christians, we bear Christ’s name. Unlike the Vilmanians and Noranians though, we are given the special privilege to not just be die-hard fans of the name we bear, but to be like Him, to share His identity as child of God, heirs of God’s Kingdom. What an extravagant way of showing His love. As Christians then, we have this peace that though wars may rage, famine may strike, and the world may crumble, our Father will hold us, and will provide for us, for He loves us. That is our identity.


And with that, may God be praised!

By: Naja Fragante

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Who is Jesus Christ?

Last Monday, October 7, 2013 we had our talk 2 of our ongoing CLP which is entitled, “Who is Jesus Christ?” Our speaker for that night was brother Rommel Gojo, or kuya Mel. He delivered his talk by first going into an introduction, stating that all Christians are identified to one person (Jesus). He then gave some more information about Jesus by stating that there are 2 2 billion people following Him today, that countless were martyred because of their faith to Him, that the Bible is the no. 1 best seller of all time, and that this person have won a battle for our salvation and He restored our relationship with God.


Going now to the talk proper, kuya Mel first showed and explained to the participants the uniqueness of Jesus – that He is not just an ordinary person as emphasized in Mark 6:3. There are 3 things absolutely unique on Jesus:  1.) His birth and arrival to the world is pre-announced and expected; 2.) His existence in the world split history into two periods: BC or Before Christ and AD or After the Death of Christ; then lastly:  3.) Jesus came into the world to die.

The speaker also told the participants about some details about Jesus, that He is a young carpenter from Nazareth, that He performed his mission and became a preacher for 3 years and that after 3 years he was killed and died at the cross for stirring up the people. He is the most famous, most honored, and best loved person.

Kuya Mel characterized Jesus as having a very attractive personality, having a strong mind and body, being down to earth – not a romantic or a dreamer, being courageous, being a magnetic leader with an extra ordinary authority, being certain and not confused of Himself and His mission, and lastly, being very human like us.

Finally, the speaker pointed out to the participants that Jesus himself is God. He is worthy to be the center of our lives because He is God. Kuya Mel asks of how do we know that He is God? Answering the question is simple; Jesus himself told us that He is God, and these are supported in the following Bible passages: Mark 14:61-62 and John 12:45, 10:30, 8:58.

In addition, none from Buddha, Confucius, or Mohammed claimed to be God but only Jesus Christ. He can even forgive sins and we could come to Him and repent our sins (Mark 2:3-12). Jesus speaks about the Truth that He is the only Son of God, and this was realized and attested to by some of His contemporaries like Simon Peter, Martha, Nathaniel, Thomas, the Centurion, and even the evil spirits.

God the Father claimed that Jesus is His only Son. Jesus is the only one who resurrected from death and his tomb was the only one that is empty, without any remains. Now the question for the participants that night was who is Jesus Christ for them?

Two shares were called by kuya Mel from our chapter and they are sister Mary Joy Mance or MJoy, and brother Jhun Michael Dungca or JM.

sharer MJoy was the first one to share her experience to the participants of who is Jesus Christ to her. She pointed out that God is her Provider, Protector and Healer. She told her story that when she applies for a job, she simply calls the name of the Lord for guidance. She then shared the time when she got broke out of money, worrying if she could survive in the next few days for her expenses with the limited money she had. She remained faithful to God during those times of need, and later on she found out that she still have a bigger amount of money left in the pocket of her pants enough for her expenses.        Lastly she mentioned that when she was still a baby, she had an accident that the double deck bed fell unto her. Luckily she miraculously survived and she considered that incident her 2nd life granted by God.

The next and last sharer was JM. All of his life he had been close to God and to the church. In fact, he even entered the seminary during his youth but he did not pursue it. His perception about Jesus during those times was somewhat shallow and vague. There was a point during the time that he was serving as a lector commentator that he slowly wanted to know more about God. Unfortunately, the church he was serving had an issue and in the end, he was no longer able to serve that church. At that moment, he was asking: “Lord what will happen now?” God answered him by a way he did not expect to happen. One time he went to Santisimo Rosario Parish to hear mass. After the mass, a flyer was given to him by some people he did not know at that time. For quite a long time, he is not looking at it. But when he closely looked at it, it’s an invitation to the Christian Life Program. From then on he attended and finished the CLP of CFC-Singles For Christ and became an active member of SFC.

He now told the participants that Jesus is just like our brother, father and friend. Like for an instance, he called his “Bro” during the time when his little sibling needed money for his tuition fee in school. God then made a way for him the very next day, providing the money they needed for his little sibling.  Another instance was when their electric bill was due to disconnection, the good Lord provided every thing in its proper time! Lastly he shared that every time he says bad words or thinks negatively of other people, he says “sorry Bro and forgive me for my short comings.”

There are a lot of ways that Jesus can reach out to us. Thus, he may be different persons to each of us. What is important though is our intimate relationship with Him.  I believe and pray that the participants are already thinking of who is Jesus Christ for them after what had happened that night. In God’s grace, I know most of them will accept the Lord Jesus in their lives.

And with that, may God be praised!

By: Tony Alarilla (Anthony Dominic Alarilla)


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God’s Love

The Voice Philippines has ended, but a greater Voice has just begun. The Voice SFC’s first of the thirteen talks happened last Monday, September 30, 2013, and it spoke of the most essential and central part of every Christian life. It communicated God’s constant message to us ever since time began – His immense love for us.

The session, entitled ‘God’s love and His Plans for us,’ demonstrated how we are loved by an everlasting love. In these times of difficulties though, in a world where everyone wants to get ahead of each other, in a society full of corruption, anger, lust, greed and injustices, the word “love” just seems to be a cliché, and not a commitment lived by. There seems to be an irony that though the world is striving to develop and flourish itself, to make things better, faster for humanity, the more hunger gets deeper within everyone. We get to ask then, ‘if God loves me, why am I suffering?’

The speaker expressed that there may be some things hindering us from experiencing God’s love. But He loves us nonetheless, and the greatest manifestation of this great love is Jesus. And along with this love, is His great plans for each one. Despite the sorrow, the sufferings, the oppressions, and the unworthiness, His eternal love will get through to you and bring you to His plans. The sharers later on testified to this. Their life stories weren’t filled with milk and honey. They didn’t share how comfortable and prosperous they were. They shared how they struggled, and how their journey of suffering got them closer to God and brought them to the land of joy, peace and victory. Because you see, the Father doesn’t hesitate to inflict a little pain, to give us much gain.

So why is the world suffering despite God’s love? It wasn’t really directly answered. It wasn’t really for the session to answer. Even Jesus, God’s dearest one, suffered. After all, His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways (Is. 55:8). What is the more important thing to know is that an eternal Father loves you so much, and He sent Jesus for you and He has a wonderful plan for you.

His choice is to love you, what is yours?

Keep tuned in to The Voice SFC!


And with that, may God be praised!

By: Naja Fragante

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The Voice of the Lord. Have You Heard It?


First there was The Voice Holland, then The Voice Philippines, and now The Voice SFC! This reality series though does not require great talents or melodious voices. It needs only an open heart that would hear the one, true, magnificent Voice – the Lord’s. Anchoring itself on the verse, “If you hear His Voice, harden not your hearts,” (Hebrews 3:15), the WB1B’s second CLP of the year kicks off on September 16, 2013 (Monday), where an orientation of the participants was made.
The episode was filled with warm welcomes, songs, prayers, great talents, talks and new hopeful faces. Though the speaker and sharers spoke of different experiences and points, they all said one common thing, “dati katulad nyo lang din ako na nakaupo lang dyan.” The session emphasized what the community is about. It spoke of how it really is to live a Christian life. Two sharers were called in to testify to this, and they simply affirmed how their lives were changed by their relationship with God through the SFC community. They used to be just one of the many participants of their time, but the love of God allowed them to be transformed, thus making them stand in front of many people now, testifying how great God is, bringing only their life stories as proof to His magnificence.
Like the speakers and sharers, the participants may all have come from different walks of life. They may have come in broken, desperate, hungry, longing, confused, wandering, and who knows what else. But whatever reason it is that brought them to this Christian Life Program, one thing is for sure – that “The Voice” has called them, and they are here for a purpose. So what will happen next? Tune in to The Voice SFC, where you could hear the one True Voice, His Voice!

And with that, may God be praised.

By: Naja Fragante

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Dec 2012 Lord’s Day Theme Survey

Note: Only members of SFC West B1B Chapter are allowed to vote. For visitors, please do not answer below form. Site visitors who are not yet member of SFC are encouraged to join our mailing list (see “Email Subscription” section on this page) so we can notify you on the next schedule of Christian Life Program (CLP) in order to join SFC.
All for God’s glory!

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Saying “Yes” to God

Be Blessed! 101 Reasons to say YES!


And with that, may God be praised!

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Say YES to GOD and be Blessed

Fourth (5) of 101 Reasons to say YES :)


And with that, may God be praised!

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Why Say ‘YES’ to God?

Be Blessed! 101 Reasons to say YES!

Third (5) of 101 Reasons to say YES :)

And with that, may God be praised!

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What Happens When You Say ‘YES’ to God?

Be Blessed! 101 Reasons to say YES!

Second (5) of 101 Reasons to say YES :)

And with that, may God be praised!

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