Posts Tagged With: Talk 4

Repentance and Faith

As I chomp my breakfast with a coffee to prepare for work–my bread and butter–I read a tag line on the newspaper that “big things come from small packages”. An affirmation for me that the greatest accomplishments are never achieved with partial skill or wavering commitment; that any worthy transformation or excellence does not equate with 99% or “almost” of a single thing. It will always be a combination. The same concept with spiritual renewal that requires faith to God beyond our best human efforts.

God has showed His immense love for us through Jesus and has initiated a relationship with us. Now it is our time to respond. What do we reply?


Last October 21, 2013, Kuya Jeremy Quimpang or as he commonly known as Kuya JQ, conveyed God’s message about ‘Repentance and Faith’. While we are busy struggling for worldly labels, preoccupied with worries how the world should perceive us; we often forget that we are created in God’s perfect image. We get perplexed that we are chasing the wrong ideals. “We need to repent to reform our lives”, Kuya JQ said. “Repentance should come with Faith”. We need a 180-degree-turn-around.

The Greek word for repentance is “metanoia”, which literal¬ly means a change of mind. It is neither a simple confession of wrongdoing, nor is dependent on feelings. Not even with feeling sorry because we are afraid of the consequences. Repentance refers to a change of direction. It is dropping of an old set of standards and values; which is basically, turning away from sin, evil, and running your own life.

Repenting is being honest–admitting that we have sinned and asking God’s forgiveness. It is being humble that we cannot do it by ourselves and we need God’s help; and acceptance that Jesus as Lord. We must renounce sin by actively turning away from it and deciding not to do it again which totally complete repentance.

“It is a double-action response”, he furthered. “We cannot just have repentance without the other–faith”.

Faith is belief in the gospel, which is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. A personal act and decision that is never based on feelings; and not a wishful thinking. Faith is accepting the life that God has promised us and letting God show us how to live it. And we must be willing to do whatever God wants of us, and actually do it.

“At the end of the day, walang taong magaling kung hindi naka-charge sa Kanya”, the speaker highlighted as the crowd intently listening.

2,000 years ago, Jesus sounded the call to repentance and faith. It is the same call to us today. And as we respond positively, God promises us salvation from sin, forgiveness and reconciliation, eternal life, and the power of the Holy Spirit for our lives.

Brothers and sisters, let’s accept the challenge to repent and believe in Jesus. Then take God up on His promises, and expect to experience the peace and joy and power of the Lord in our lives.


And with that, may God be praised.

By: Ryan Rebaja

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